Selasa, 29 April 2014

relative pronouns,causative verb and pasive voice


Ø  Definition : Passive Voice (Sentences Passive) is the subject of his sentences are served with a job. In other words, the subject of the sentence is the target of the activity expressed by the verb.
Ø  Formula :
1.      Simple Present : Simple present is a verb form to state the facts, habits, or events that occur at the present time.
Formula :
Active       : S + to be (is,am,are)
Passive     : S + to be + V3 (Past Participle)
Example :
Active       : we don’t speak english here
Passive     : english is not spoken here

2.      Simple Past : Simple past is a simple form of the verb to indicate that an event occurred in the past. In the simple past tense, future events (yesterday, last two days, last year) or the period of time (for two months, for a day, for an hour) can be specifically mentioned.
Formula :
Active       : S + to be (was,were) + V2
Passive     : S+ to be + V3
Example :
Active       : He didn’t reply my messages
Passive     : my messages were not replied

3.      Present Progressive : Present Progressive can also be called Present Continous is a form of time used to express an action, state or event that was happening at the time discussed.

Formula :
Active       : S + to be (is,am,are) + V-ing
Passive     : S + to be + being + V3
Example :
Active       : The cat is tearing the new book.
Passive     : The new book is being torn by the cat

4.      Past Progressive : past progressive tense is a verb form that is used to indicate that an action is happening at a particular time in the past. The action has been initiated but not yet completed at the time.
Formula :
Active       : S + to be (was,were)+ V-ing
Passive     : S + to be + NOT + being + V3
Example :
Active       : she was watching a film
Passive     : a film was being watched by her

5.      Present Perfect : Present perfect is a verb form used to express an action or situation that has started in the past and has been completed at a given point in time in the past or still continues today.
Formula :
Active       : S + to be (has,have) + V3
Passive     : S + to be + been + V3
Example :
Active       : She has done her work..
Passive     : Her work has been done by her.

6.      Past Perfect : Past perfect tense is a verb form that is used to declare that an action has been completed at some point in the past before another action occurs. Action which has been completed in the past it may occur repeatedly or only once.
Formula :
Active       : S + to be (had) + V3
Passive     : S + to be + been + V3
Example :
Active       : adhi had made coffee
Passive     : coffee had been made by adhi
·         Definition : Causative verbs express an action which is caused to happen. In other words, when I have something done for me I cause it to happen. In other words, I do not actually do anything, but ask someone else to do it for me. This is the sense of causative verbs. Intermediate to advanced level English learners should study the causative verb as an alternative to the passive voice.
·         Formula :
1.      Make : ‘Make’ as a causative verb expresses the idea that the person requires another person to do something.
Formula   : Subject + Make + Person + Base Form of Verb
Example  : The manager makes her staff work hard
2.      Have : ‘Have’ as a causative verb expresses the idea that the person wants something to be done for them. This causative verb is often used when speaking about various services. There are two forms of the causative verb ‘have’
Formula   :
a.      Subject + Have + Person + Base Form of Verb
b.      Subject + Have + Object + Past Participle
Example  :
a.      I had my brother take that glass
b.      I had my jacket cleaned yesterday
Note: This form is similar in meaning to the passive.
3.      Get : ‘Get’ is used as a causative verb in a similar way as 'have' is used with the participle. This expresses the idea that the person wants something to be done for them. The causative verb is often used in a more idiomatic manner than ‘have’.
Formula   : Subject + Get + Person + Past Participle
Example  : I got my jacket cleaned

·         Definition : Relative Pronoun is a pronoun used to introduce a clause which explains Adjective noun (noun ). The shape of the Relative Pronoun is : who, roomates, Whom, Whose, and that.
·         Formula         :
1.      Who : Has a function as a “subject” that is used to describe Noun - people, and has the meaning of  ‘is’. Who referred to as the subject pronoun ( such as the use of : I, he, she , etc )
Example : The person who called me last night is my best friend.
2.      Whom : Has a function as an “object” that is used to describe noun - person, and has the meaning of ‘is’. Whom is referred to as an object pronoun (such as the use of : me, his, her, etc)
Example : His girlfriend whom I met last night is on vacation.
3.      Which : Has a function as “subject or object” that is used to describe a noun – noun or animal and has the meaning of ‘is’.
Example : I forget most of the films which I see.
4.      Whose : Has a function as “kepemilikan”, which is used to describe a noun – person. Whose is used to indicate possession , Whose also have the same meaning like the use of my, our, their, etc.
Example : The girl whose car was sold will go to study abroad.

5.      That : Has a function as a “subject or object” that is used to describe a noun – person, noun, and animal. Has the meaning of ‘is’.
Example :  This is the key that opens the garage.

Sumber :

cerita anyer

Ketemu lagi sama gue mas broo…
Minggu pagi gue ada planning ( pake Bahasa inggris dikit yee) buat survey dan cari – cari lokasi buat acara gue nanti. Gue gak tu juga sih pastinya jadi diwilayah anyer gimana. Untuk mempersingkat waktu langsung aja ya mas bro,,,.
Minggu pagi gue bangun jam 05.00 subuh buat beberes (kan mau ke anyer wkwkwk). Gue mandi dan akhir nya gue sudah sangat tampan maksimal banget deh hahahaha,dan gue akhirnya brangkat.gue janjian jam setengah.7 pagi bro.dan gue udah ngebut abis deh ( bagaikan valentine rossi ) dan ternyata balik lagi ke kebiasaan orang Indonesia yang selalu punya jam karet gue terdiam sendirian di bawah DPR depok (Di bawah Pohon Rindang ).lama gue menunggu akhirnya temen gue satu persatu datang.waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 08.00 akhirnya kami putuskan untuk berangkat menuju anyer.disepanjang jalan mobil yang kita naikin bagaikan mobil fast to fourius yang kalo lagi jalan kenceng selalu diiringi sama musik keras dan cewek-cewek cantik tapi kali ini gag ada cewek canting yang ada cowok-cowok semua dan lagunya lagu dangdut hehehe,,,,4 jam pun kami lalui dan kami telah tiba dia anyer broo..

Karna tujuan kami buat survey jadi yaaa,,kami keliling deh disana satu persatu villa kami datangi dan biasa (nanya naynya nego,setelah itu gak jadi ) seharian muter-muterin pantai akhirnya kami putuskan buat makan setelah itu kami jalan-jalan ke pantai.pas kami lagi makan disitu ada cerita lucu,,saat yang lain pada bayar makanan masing-masing pada bayar diatas 10 ribu,nah pas gue bayar Cuma 5ribu bung,,,hahahaha dari situ yang menjadi bahan olok- olokan yang lain buat gue ( lo enak 5ribu lah gue …)itu kata yang selalu diucapin temn gue saat kami berdebat akan suatu viila yang gue survey…
Saat senja kita istirahat dipantai ,,melihat matahari yang akan terbenam ( yang bentuknya kaya telor ceplok hehehe) dan yang jadi pertanyaan gue di baleho tertulis jelas “pantai pasir putih” nah saaat gue disana ternyata gag ad tu pantai yang pasirnya putih yang ada abu-abu bahkan ada yang gelap banget pasirnya wahwahwah penipuan nih hahahaha
Setelah mengabadikan ketampanan dan indahnya pantai dengan matahari terbenam akhirnya kami pulang dehhh duit udah habis tenaga sudah terkuras akhirnya kami memutuskan pulang ke dunia kami setelah waktu menunjukkan pukul 19.00 .dan pak supir menancapkan gasnya………………….
Udah dulu yaaa,,saksikan episode berikutnya,,,,cekidoot